Apr 27 2010
The Generation Attribute Tracking System (GATS) of PJM Environmental Information Services (EIS) has been instrumental in finding out trends including growth of solar, captured methane, hydro, wind and other renewable resources of production within PJM. The GATS has shown that since 2005, wind production has increased around 1,300%. In 2005, solar energy generation stood at 100 MWh, and increased to 81,000 MWh in 2009, which is a growth of 3,000%.
The GATS develops certificates for every megawatt-hour of electrical energy generated. The system also defines particular attributes to them such as emissions data and fuel source. Initially, the GATS tracked certificates for complying with renewable portfolio standards in the states of Maryland and New Jersey. Since then, electrical energy suppliers in the District of Columbia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois and Delaware have begun to utilize the GATS.
Some of the highlights of the GATS in its five years of operation include the following. Currently, the GATS has over 4,000 subscribers and monitors the production of over 6,700 renewable generators in the D.C. and 17 states. Fuel cells are also monitored by means of the GATS. The creation of an on-line Bulletin Board facilitates sellers and buyers to make and connect requests for certificates. In 2009, 107,888,407 Emission-Free Energy Certificates (EFEC) were generated. EFECs are attained from power generation units including solar photovoltaic, wind, hydro, tidal energy, wave, nuclear and wind energy. Since 2005, the amount of CO2 emissions for every megawatt hour of production has decreased by 12%.