Steve Edgar is an Information Design professional with a degree in graphic communication and a master's in digital design. He was an early adopter of Apple computers way back in the mid-eighties and started up and ran one of the first computer-based graphic design studios. His company worked with Apple on making the "Mac" the computer of choice for design professionals. As a design and marketing professional, he has worked with numerous organizations providing design and information solutions in both offline and online media. His aim has always been to make written and visual information as clear and transparent as possible avoiding cliches and the ubiquitous marketing speak.
More recently he has been involved in reviewing health research proposals, clearing out both acronyms and jargon and trying to make scientific concepts understandable to both patients, public and sometimes the health professionals themselves.
In his spare time, Steve relives his youth playing guitar in a four-piece punk band. All of its members are old enough to know better