Below is a statement from Urban Land Institute (ULI) Chief Executive Officer Patrick L. Phillips regarding President Obama’s Climate Action Plan, which the president outlined during a June 25 speech at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. ULI ( is a nonprofit education and research institute supported by its members. Its mission is to provide leadership in the responsible use of land and in creating and sustaining thriving communities worldwide. Established in 1936, the Institute has nearly 30,000 members representing all aspects of land use and development disciplines.
Metso will supply Zhejiang Jingxing Paper Joint Stock Co., Ltd. with an OptiConcept M containerboard production line for their Pinghu site in Zhejiang Province in China. The new production line is targeted to produce high-quality containerboard grades out of 100 percent recycled raw materials. The start-up of the machine is scheduled for 2014. The value of the order will not be disclosed.
Many researchers around the world are seeking ways to “scrub” carbon dioxide (CO2) from the emissions of fossil-fuel power plants as a way of curbing the gas that is considered most responsible for global climate change. But most such systems rely on complex plumbing to divert the steam used to drive the turbines that generate power in these plants, and such systems are not practical as retrofits to existing plants.
By David L. Chandler
27 Jun 2013
Samsung Renewable Energy Inc. (Samsung) announced today that it has reached a partnership agreement with Canadian Solar Inc. (Canadian Solar) to open a new manufacturing facility in London, Ontario. This plant will bring 200 local manufacturing jobs to London by the end of 2013, as promised in the Green Energy Investment Agreement (GEIA) between Samsung and the Government of Ontario.
New lines of engineered bacteria can tailor-make key precursors of high-octane biofuels that could one day replace gasoline, scientists at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University and the Department of Systems Biology at Harvard Medical School report in the June 24 online edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
You may think the best place to build a wind farm would be on the Great Plains, and the prime spot for a solar plant would be in the Southwest. But that's not the case according to Carnegie Mellon University researchers.
Americas Natural Gas Alliance (ANGA) and the American Gas Association (AGA) today unveiled the Add Natural Gas campaign involving six dual fuel demonstration vehicles at the Alternative Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo. The six Vehicles demonstrate that technology available now can power a diverse slate of vehicles with abundant, domestic natural gas, without compromising the vehicles’ performance.
Theoretically, hydropower can step in when wind turbines go still, but barriers to this non-polluting resource serving as a backup are largely policy- and regulation-based, according to Penn State researchers.
The Solar Foundation (TSF), an independent nonprofit solar research and education organization, conferred its first-ever "Solar Foundation Awards" to companies and organizations making significant contributions to advancing the use of solar energy worldwide.
The 2013 Alternative Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo makes its East Coast debut today at the Walter E. Convention Center, convening the largest gathering of alternative fuel and clean vehicle stakeholders in North America this year. Partnering with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), ACT Expo 2013 will commemorate the 20th anniversary of the DOE’s innovative Clean Cities program, which has played a significant role in developing the market for alternative fuel and clean vehicle technologies.
ET Solar Group Corp. ("ET Solar"), a leading solar one-stop solution provider, announced that it has completed the delivery to Apple Valley Unified School District in Southern California for its 2.3 MW solar projects installed by DS Energy Solutions.
Lanxess and Genomatica announce that Lanxess has run a production campaign of bio-based PBT in Lanxess’ world-scale production plant using 20 metric tons of bio-based BDO made with Genomatica’s commercially-proven process. This BDO fully complied with the demanding Lanxess specifications for petro-based BDO allowing a direct feed of 100 percent bio-based BDO into the continuous production process.
Solar Flow-Through 2012-I Limited Partnership ("Solar Flow-Through"), a limited partnership with offices in Vancouver and Toronto, reports that 70 applications with the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) to develop solar power projects totaling 16.82 MW AC in the Province of Ontario have moved to final Stage 4 assessment.
The innovative energy efficiency program at the Empire State Building has exceeded guaranteed energy savings for the second year in a row, saving $2.3 million and providing a new model for building retrofits that is now being rolled out nationwide.
More frequent bridge failures are one of the risks the public faces from a changing climate. Swiftly moving storm water can scour the dirt and rocks from around bridge piers, leading to collapse.