May 10 2010
Developer of a technology to convert algae into fuel OriginOil, Inc. has created a direct-solar growth MultiReactor design which utilizes growth layers for harnessing sunlight more effectively in comparison with currently available pond systems, while decreasing the area of land required.
On April 28, 2010, at the Quarterly Conference of the National Algae Association the operations vice president of OriginOil Scott Fraser unveiled the new MultiReactor design.
Recently, OriginOil filed a patent application for the MultiReactor design titled ‘Multi-Plane Growth Apparatus and Method’. OriginOil intends to construct a container 40 feet high for field testing of the design.
The MultiReactor utilizes a lens array for directing sunlight from the top by means of an algae channels system. The culture of algae is then pumped to the top portion of the array and then comes down through the layers, thereby ensuring uniform exposure. Right at the stack’s end tapping units are placed for capturing valuable gases. These growth units are strategically placed facing the east-west direction in order to capture sunlight throughout the day. This system is likely to be 10 – 20 folds more efficient in comparison with single-layer systems.