Solar Electric Power Association Establishes Utility Solar Interest Groups

The Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA), which is a non-profit association that assists utilities to make crucial solar decisions, has established Utility Solar Interest Groups (USIG) for the utility members of the association. USIGs offer forums for identifying industry concerns, examining potential solutions, sharing ideas and developing best practices among others.

Julia Hamm, the Executive Director of SEPA, stated that the USIGs offer opportunities for peer-to-peer relationship developments and offer strategic direction and feedback to SEPA on its education and research initiatives.

The utility members of SEPA can join any number of the following five groups for addressing solar issues: Policy that focuses on regulation and state and federal legislation; Grid Integration that focuses on centralized and distributed grid design, operation, analysis and management; Program Management that focuses on educational needs and customer incentive; Utility Solar Business Models that offers innovative projects and program that offer utility value streams; and Strategic Issues that focuses on proactive, long-term interests including grid parity, climate change and workforce development.

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