Jul 9 2010
Goldline Controls offers the Aqua Solar-TC AQ-SOL-LV-TC solar pool heating control system. This model is locked in a weather proof enclosure and has operating features such as selectable high limit, easy to program recirculation, freeze protection and night time cooling, booster pump control and optional pool sweep interlock. This solar pool heating control system incorporates an integrated time clock to monitor and control the filtration pump deployed for the pool with a choice of solar override features.
The pool heating control system automatically makes the pool valve to rotate if the temperature at the collectors is warmer by 4º F or more. The heat collection is automatically stopped when the pool temperature exceeds the selected desired temperature or if it falls within 1.5ºF of pool temperature. When the heat collectors become cooler than the pool water by 8ºF or more and if the pool temperature remains more than the desired temperature, the pool valve automatically rotates to allow cooling through the solar collectors and continue with the process till the pool temperature falls below the lowered temperature or the temperature at the collectors rise within 3ºF.
The Aqua Solar TC AQ-SOL-LV-TC solar pool heating control system offered by Goldline Controls allows single dial adjustment setting of pool temperatures from 70ºF to 104ºF and automatically performs the process of heating or cooling. The Aqua Solar-TC AQ-SOL-LV-TC heating control system incorporates standard three pin connectors for performing forward and backward reverse valve actuator operations. The LED indicators incorporated in the module indicate the operational status of the system operations.