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IDC Suggests Ways to Optimize Transmission for Wind Energy Market

IDC Energy Insights, a research-based consultative advisory company offering analysis and reports focused on major technology and business issues, has released a new report that discusses optimizing transmission for wind integration.

The report delves in detail on the role of crucial transmission technologies in expediting the expansion of wind energy market in USA. The report details how the current transmission restrictions affects the existing as well as the intended wind turbine farms and the problems faced during the time of mounting new transmission lines.

While the study stresses the need for increasing the transmission capacity it also details the current planning and permitted obstacles faced and resultant cost escalations in planning new transmission projects.

Jay Holman who holds the position of Research Manager – Renewable Energy Strategies in IDC Energy Insights, sketched the rapid strides made by wind based power generation in USA during the past 10 years and how it emerged into a cost effective and easy energy option due to the set standards and state level support. He further elaborated the lack of proper transmission infrastructure at location with good wind resources and power producing opportunities to carry the produced power without transmission loss.

The IDC Energy Insights research also suggests alternatives to tide over the transmission problems as to how the current technology can be used for augmenting the transmission capacity without actually building new or additional transmission lines thus making no visible changes in the available infrastructure. The report also suggests the ways to minimize the footprint of the new transmission lines.

The research report suggests utilizing some of the available technologies to tide over the transmission related challenges for increased use of wind energy on the grid. The suggested technologies include, use of high temperature and low-sag conductors,AC to DC conversion, dynamic line rating ,flexible AC transmission system devices, super conducting conductors, high-voltage DC systems and voltage up-rating.

The report provides an overview of the prevailing transmission technologies that offer relief to the currently faced challenges with supportive examples and a detailed study on strength and weakness of each technology. The report concludes with opinions and suggestions to allow the industry users to take advantage of the currently used and planned transmission technologies.

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