Jul 26 2010
Wind Energy America, a company involved in building and operating public-utility associated wind energy projects, has obtained wind expansion rights over 650 acres of land in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania Nicknamed as Grosser Mountain Wind I, this first ever Pennsylvanian energy project of WEA is situated in the northeast of Harrisburg. On completion of the project Wind Energy America (WEA) is expected to generate around 20 MW of power.
The company is planning to install a 60 m NRG Systems meteorological tower at Grosser Mountain Wind (GMW) for the purpose of collecting site specific wind data. The databank will be forwarded to EAPC Wind Energy by utilizing an Iridium satellite uplink. The company has already signed contracts for the installation of a meteorological tower and monitoring of collected data.
Wind Energy America is scheduling to finalize other project related details such as project debit financing, turbine engineering and inter connectivity engineering in the mean time. The WEA is cautious about the early commissioning of the project and looking forward for its completion only during 2011-2012 financial years or even later, contingent, to the later developments.
Brian Hill, who works in WEA as chief development officer called the Grosser Mountain Wind project as one in the pipeline along with other projects and the progress in Pennsylvania project is expected to boost the growth plans of Wind Energy America.