CCEMC Provides Funds to Jacobs for Clean Technology Project with Suncor

Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. is all set to conduct a new project with Suncor Energy Inc. CCEMC (Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation) has given funds to Jacobs Engineering Group towards research and development for clean technology projects. The project has been titled “the Alberta Oil Sands Energy Efficiency and GHG Mitigation Roadmap”.

The project is anticipated to quantify possible reductions of GHG emissions from operational and technology improvements in energy usage at Suncor Energy’s SAGD (steam assisted gravity drainage), bitumen mining along with the upgrading facilities located in the area of Fort McMurray.

The study will be analyzing the theoretic ideal energy efficiency that can be obtained in the development of oil sands resource, by making use of Suncor’s current plant operations as the basis. Both Jacobs Engineering Group and Suncor Energy are committed towards research and development in the field of clean technology and this project is a great example.

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