HomeSun Provides Free Solar Panels to Homeowners in the U.K.

HomeSun, a U.K. company, is providing free-of-charge solar panels to homeowners who have roofs that face the southern direction in return for obtaining the feed-in-tariff of the government.

HomeSun plans to offer as well as erect 2.5 kWh- 4 kWh solar systems that generally cost £11,000-15,000 meant for homes with ideally sized and sited roofs.

Homeowners can realize the benefits of generating free electricity to reduce their energy bills, whereas HomeSun will obtain feed-in-tariff of the government over its guaranteed lifetime of 25 years. At any given time, homeowners can purchase the solar system from HomeSun on the basis of straightline depreciation and commence obtaining the feed-in-tariff.

Over the coming three years, HomeSun intends to install 100,000 solar systems. Homeowners with less favorable positions can also avail this scheme by paying a one-time charge of £500 as well as a monthly fee of £5 for repair and maintenance.

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