SEPA Planning to Unveil its Fact Finding Mission to Japan

Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA), a not-for-profit association keen in incorporating solar power in the offerings of the utility companies, has recently toured Japan with a group of 18 managers and executives from the utility companies between July 25 and 30 on its third annual Solar Fact Finding Mission.

During the tour, the representatives came in contact with utility companies in Japan, solar researchers, government officials and solar companies. The delegation went around the manufacturing, installation and research facilities under various organizations.

Julia Hamm, SEPA’s President and CEO, conceded that the Japanese solar market remains on par with that of US solar market in terms of installation capacity but clarified that sooner US will out-perform Japan due its size of the market and will lead the global solar market in one or two years. She added that Japanese standout from the US, in utilizing their home based renewable energy technology and nearly 90% of their solar installations during 2009 were sourced from Japanese manufacturing companies. She concluded saying that most of the manufacturers from Japan were looking forward to do business and build relationship with utility companies of US.

SEPA offers impartial market intelligence report on the latest technologies and business models and enables peer-to-peer interactions and helps them in making intelligent solar decisions. Currently the association has more than 700 members from solar industry and utilities. The association is planning to release the report on its Japanese Fact- Finding Mission during the Solar Conference to be held during October 2010.

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