Public Service Enterprise Group Dedicates Wyandot Solar Farm

The Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG), a New Jersey-based diversified energy business, has dedicated its 12 MW Wyandot solar farm in the presence of Ted Strickland, Governor of Ohio, and other government officials.

The Wyandot farm, which is the largest in the state, is constructed over an area of 80 acres and has more than 159,000 solar panels. The solar farm produces enough pollution free electricity to meet the power requirements of 9,000 houses in Ohio during day time.

PSEG roped in Juwi Solar Inc., a local contracting company to provide engineering, purchase and construction development services. It appointed Wyandot county-based engineering company Vaughn Industries as its main construction contractor. The solar panels required for the farm were provided by First Solar from their Perrysburg Ohio plant and utilized the services of Myers managed Power of North Canton Ohio to install the power stations within the plant. To encourage local job opportunities the company hired local residents of Ohio for most of the construction related services. PSEG has entered into a long-term agreement with Columbus Southern Power and Ohio Power Company the American Electric Power subsidiaries for purchasing the power produced by the farm and connects the grid at the Upper Sandusky Substation by a four mile long generator lead. PSEG Solar is concentrating on developing of two megawatts in size.

Ralph Izzo, Chairman, CEO and President of PSEG, said the completion of the project will make every American proud. He added that the Wyandot Solar Farm shows the way of winning environmentally as well as economically and he concluded saying that the country can benefit from the green energy usages such as energy security, fight against climatic changes and above all by creation of new job opportunities.

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