Growth of Solar Industry after the Launch of the Commonwealth Solar Program

Deval Patrick, Governor of Massachusetts, during his visit to view the photovoltaic (PV) systems set up for use in SunSetter Products facility at Malden, brought into spotlight the growth of solar PV industry in the state of Massachusetts after the launch of the Commonwealth Solar Program in the year 2008.

The Patrick and Murray administration’s stress for solar power production were encouraged by Governor Patrick’s aim of producing 250 MW solar power installed by 2017 paved the way for the energetic growth of the solar industry in Massachusetts. The growth is clearly depicted in a recent study performed by the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC). The study clearly indicated that the employment in solar industry, in sectors such as production, system setting and regular services has increased three fold during the period from 2007 to 2010. It indicated that the solar manufacturing jobs alone increased from 750 in 2007 to 2000 in 2010. During the first year of its operations from January 2008 to December 2009, the Commonwealth Solar Program has awarded energy rebates to nearly 1300 households, business and utility power projects that are designed to generate up to 23.5 MW power to light 3750 houses in the state Massachusetts.

Following its success of its earlier program, during last January MassCEC, introduced Commonwealth Solar II and Commonwealth Solar Stimulus, two repayment programs of the state to encourage the solar power industry. To fund its Commonwealth Solar Stimulus, the state utilized its State Energy Program funding amounting to $8million received by the Department of Energy Resources as per the norms of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). The award utilized for nearly 102 solar projects in the state will enable 7.8 MW solar power production. The state also received $20 million for setting up of a 4.1 MW of solar installation on its waterworks services under the ARRA scheme.

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