Midland Michigan Plant to Get New Employees Hired by Dow Solar

The Dow Chemical Company has declared the availability of 100 full time positions at its newly developed and patented Dow POWERHOUSE solar shingles manufacturing facility in Midland Michigan.

The company is planning to hire qualified workers for its project from the end of September this year. To ensure hiring of right hands for the project the company held discussions with the union officials in fixing qualification standards for the work positions. Earl Shipp, its Michigan Operations Vice President expressed his excitement about the contribution of the manufacturing facility to the local economy. He added that his company will continue to hire skilled workers as it builds more such solar energy generating products.

Earlier during 2007 the company had received $20 million U.S. Department of Energy funding for the development of a potent solar solution for residential use. The company had brought out its POWERHOUSE solar shingles during the year 2009 which was praised as one of the 50 best inventions by the Time Magazine. The POWERHOUSE solar shingles uniquely merges with the roof design and provides easy and simple installation. It easily mixes the roofing shingle and allows easy installation of solar shingle utilizing normally used asphalt type roofing products. The building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) products were well received by the building owners and other building developers.

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