Ascent Solar, GlobalWatt Partner to Improve Solar Power Generation from Modules

Ascent Solar Technologies, a whippy thin-film solar modules developing company, declared that it has entered into a partnership with GlobalWatt, a specialty solar usages developing company, to introduce a new easy to adapt type of solar module to improve power production capability in the existing solar applications.

The companies believe that the inclusion of an extra power component without actually increasing the weight and inflexibility of a normally utilized crystalline solar module will alter the dynamics of the currently utilized and newly planned specialty solar applications. Currently the DC based usages such as solar powered water purifiers, generators and refrigeration systems have limited use due to charging limitations of the utilized batteries. The proposed new solar modules with an extra battery charging component will enable quicker recharging of the batteries and allow usages for a longer duration without the requirement of installing additional solar panels.

According to Robert Meck, Ascent Solar’s, Vice President of Product Application Development, the incorporation of high power producing and weightless solar modules of Ascent Solar within the handy portfolio of GlobalWatt will augment the distributable capacity of the power generation without actually increasing the weight of the system. He added that the lithe and sturdy CIGS modules of his company will perfectly match with the light-weight portable power modules of GlobalWatt.

Dave Slivinski, GlobalWatt’s Vice President of Sales and Marketing, unveiled the initial plans of the company to incorporate the technology of Ascent solar in their latest mobile solar generators before introducing it to the board. He added that the CIGS modules of Ascent will be interactive to the present crystalline technology and can be effectively used in the ‘pack and go’ type of power solutions.



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