Dec 8 2010
Swan Creek Energy is chosen by the South Hunterdon Renewable Energy Co-op as a supplier to construct and manage a solar power system to be located over South Hunterdon Regional High School and West Amwell Municipal Building grounds.
Swan Creek Energy has preferred Brad Campbell, a resident of Lambertville who worked in the Department of Environmental Protection of the state, as commissioner and Ray Angilini, an electrical supplier who erected two large sized solar power projects in the state, as principals for the project. The project received the formal PPA approval of the co-operative and awaits final approval from other units such as the South Hunterdon Regional High School, Lambertville City Council, West Amwell Township, the Lambertville Municipal Authority, the West Amwell Public School, and the Lambertville Public School. The managing bodies of the units are expected to meet shortly to endorse the PPA. The power generated from the project will be utilized to electrify the public buildings in South Hunterdon, West Amwell and Lambertville. Swan Creek Energy will fund the cost of the solar installation, maintain its construction and will get its investment by selling the power produced from the system to the cooperative and will also avail other federal incentives and credits available for the project.
The co-operative will receive the electricity at a reduced rate of 8.4 cents per kilowatt instead of the utility fixed rate of 17 to 19 cents. The project, when approved will offset around 974 metric tons carbon dioxide releases per year and will enable the cooperative to receive $75,000 as energy efficiency service allowance.