Dec 22 2010
Shiseido America’s East Windsor, N.J. installation has received New Jersey Governor’s Environmental Excellence Award for the year 2010. Shiseido has received the award in recognition of its clean energy initiatives to improve the air quality of the state.
The company has installed a 1.7 MW SunPower solar system over its office site and introduced energy saving lighting and high-efficiency boilers to cut-down its energy consumption.
Earlier in 2007, Shiseido had installed a 700 kW SunPower rooftop solar system at its facility and to augment the power supply it opted for another 1 MW ground-mounted SunPower solar system. Both the installed systems meet nearly 80% power requirements of the company’s 211,000 square foot facility. It is estimated that during the 25 year life time of the systems, the power generated from them can counterbalance around 66,000 tons of carbon dioxide discharges, which can be equated to removing of nearly 11,400 cars off the highways of New Jersey. The Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) that are related to the installed systems are owned by SunPower. The SRECs are required to fulfill the obligatory renewable portfolio standard (RPS) set by the state to encourage the growth of renewable energy.
The award also distinguishes the clean energy promoting campaigns of the company through its formulated programs. The company has arranged over 100 educational visits for youth groups, schools, government agencies and businesses to understand the benefits of solar power usage. To benefit the visitors, the company has arranged for an exhibit of solar facility at its lobby and installed some of its rooftop solar panels with an easy access to offer convenient view of the installation.