Jan 24 2011
CxGBS has signed a contract with the Energy Efficient Schools Initiative (EESI) to offer technological help on geothermal projects to five schools in Tennessee.
The goal of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) financed and the Department of Energy granted program is to design solutions to tackle the major hurdles, which thwart widespread installation of ground source heat pumps as alternative source that can considerably decrease cooling and heating expenditure of schools.
The grant will deploy geothermal pilot projects in various schools . Information on performance will be gathered and analyzed to provide cost-effective deployment technologies. The object of the program is also to improve consumer trust and understanding in geothermal techniques such as hybrid ground source heat pump systems.
Knowledge gathered will be utilized to design standards for national geothermal technology certification. Performance data will be executed in schools for the expansion of geothermal facilities and to swap obsolete and ineffective mechanical devices with modern technologies in k-12 schools throughout the county. CxGBS will be accountable for helping EESI in the design, deployment and performance observation of the Hy-GSHP projects, according to the Commissioning Plan, governing document for every geothermal project.