The three-day 5th Risø International Energy Conference that concluded recently while expressing its apprehensions over the impact of quick climatic changes did end with an optimistic note reposing its faith in the introduction of technologically superior clean energy systems to tackle the issue.
It stressed the need to keep the carbon dioxide emissions into the air at static level prior to 2020 to achieve the long term goal of cutting down the emission level by 50% by 2050 only to remove the trace of it from the atmosphere later.
The conference pointed out the impending energy challenges that need to be tackled along with the problems created by climate changes. It pointed out the urgent need to supply the basic electricity to 25% of the world population that is deprived of it and extend changed technologies to 50% of the population that still utilize conventional wood and other combustible substances for energy. It also discussed the impacts of energy disruptions and how it is vital to tackle pollution related health problems. The conference focused on generating more renewable energy to meet the needs of the growing population.
It concedes to the fact that we have adequate technological capabilities to introduce green energy systems globally by 2050. It emphasized on initiatives to classify the renewable energy systems that are needed to meet the requirements of each region and country. It discussed the potential of wind, geothermal and solar energy sources for clean energy generation and cautioned on the reliance on biomass due to the inherent supply and ecological issues. It pointed out the energy efficiency in the use of electric transport systems and sought quick implementation. It also suggested for the introduction of intelligent electric systems for efficient use of energy, and efficient energy storage facilities to tackle erratic energy generation problems.
The other modalities suggested in the conference include the need for replacing the present power plants by clean energy systems, setting logical timeframes and long term plans for investment in clean energy technologies to encourage public and private financing.