The Algal Biomass Organization (ABO) has declared that its 5th Annual Algae Biomass Summit is scheduled to be held at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis hotel from October 24th to 27th 2011.
Over 800 delegates are expected to participate in the premier event of the industry to listen to over 200 presentations and poster sessions that demonstrate technological advancements in algae technologies as well as their commercial usage in feed, fuels and other products.
The meeting has been arranged into four important breakout tracks such as engineering and analysis, policy and finance, commercial and biology giving the partakers a 360⁰ perspective of the industry and how the scientific discoveries shape into commercial production from the lab stage. The conference considered as a top forum to elaborate scientific debate of algae, will also have additional participation from commercial companies that are formulating their own algae programs and other companies that look forward for new material sources.
The participants and speakers at the summit will comprise policy makers, investors, scientists, manufacturers, and national and international technologists. The summit apart from discussions on creating marketing opportunities for algae production will also examine critical issues such as venture/product finance, life cycle analysis, refining/processing, harvesting, selection of strains for growing algae and the present private and government initiatives related to such issues.
The US Department of Energy on algae and the US Department of Energy agreed to make a presentation on algae as a contributor to the food chain, Boeing, Qantas and FedEx will discuss the role of algae as aviation fuel while Cargill and ExxonMobile will discuss their viewpoint on algae technology.