In 2009, Navarre, Spain, the ACR Grupo, Tecnalia and Eguzkitan joined forces to create LUIX, the company that currently markets intelligent public illumination systems that saves 80% of the energy earlier consumed by such systems.
The Luix system ensures that the street lights illumination is managed intelligently, based on the number of persons and vehicles that use the street where the lights dim and glow gradually in line with the direction and prediction of themovement.
The system allows the street lights to regulate its light intensity without the need to be powered off thereby providing adequate quantity of illumination the street requires at any given point and direction.
This system is remotely managed and in the event of the street light switching off owing to an accident for example, the system alerts the operators to look at the same thereby reducing downtime and better infrastructure maintenance. The LUIX system is flexible and to accommodate applications that future intelligent cities may use the LUIX network to ensure better management of services to the public such as communications, city traffic management.
For the moment, the system achieves its primary goal of ensuring energy efficiency by incorporating itself in the existing cabling that connects the public illumination infrastructure without the requirement of additional infrastructure funding.