Two composites manufacturers including DeLorean Motor Company and Epic Electric Vehicles (EPIC EV) have been chosen for producing the novel DeLorean Electric Vehicle (DMCEV) in the year 2012. Both DeLorean Motor Company and Epic Electric Vehicles are working together to reveal a novel high strength and lesser weight resin infused composite structure for producing the new DMCEV.
Stephen Wynne, Chief Executive Officer of DeLorean, stated that in addition to the advanced drive train, the important aspect for the new DMCEV is to ensure lightweight and improved safety. Wynne said that DeLorean had aggressive targets for this new composite structure, which are exceeded by Epic EV over a wide margin. Wynne added that instead of delaying the customers in providing with the new DMCEV’s having advanced composites technology, the original cars of DeLorean can also be remodeled using this resin infused composite body, which further increases the attraction .
The Epic EV’s newly manufactured composite structure for DeLorean is comparatively less heavy than the original having increased safety developed in the 1980s. This light weight capacity of the composite body permits installation of large capacity batteries in the new DMCEV and offers passengers increased durability and protection.
Chris Anthony, Founder of Epic EV, stated that as the original DeLorean was 30 years ahead of its period in the 1980s, the new composite structures for DMCEV will also be well ahead of that period. He said that the company had attained weight reduction of about 200 lbs in this new composite structures using advanced engineering, which are used for advanced DMCEV. Anthony further stated that the side impact strength and roof crush is reliably improved on this newly resin infused composite structures, which serves as a great attribute for the DMCEV.