SEFE, a company that develops sustainable technologies, has provided information on one more component included in its advanced Harmony III atmospheric energy system. The company is moving closer to its goal of bringing innovative technology into the clean energy market through this Atmospheric Energy Collector.
The Atmospheric Energy Collector consists of a windsock arrangement. This arrangement has two openings such as upwind and downwind openings. The big upwind opening tapers towards the downwind opening. A tether, made up of a material that conducts electricity, is placed on the upwind side of the arrangement. The atmospheric energy is collected by the windsock, which is extended outside by wind. This collected atmospheric energy is then transferred to the tether. The patent for this invention was filed on May 9, 2011 with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), which has provided a pending patent number 13/103,963 for the collector.
SEFE has acquired patents for its Atmospheric Static Electricity Collector and Dynamic Electrical Converter System recently. The company has submitted 26 patents in total to the USPTO and all these patents are under different stages of approval.
The company concentrates on developing and applying innovative and advanced technologies that offer solutions for sustainability. The inventive solutions developed by the company can offer profit and real-world impact to the clean energy market.