ProSelect Gas Treating, a provider of CO2 Carbon Capture Systems for biomass-fueled operations, has launched a carbon capture system, GC6, for the greenhouse industry at the SunSelect Produce greenhouses in Delta, British Columbia.
The GC6 Carbon Capture System traps CO2 from biomass combustion emissions and changes it to fertilizers, which can be used for the growth of eco-friendly greenhouse crops. The green house developers can avail a cost efficient, sustainable clean energy now.
Enormous renewable and low cost biomass resources including wood waste can be used to distribute CO2 fertilizer using the GC6 technology, which also saves energy and fuel expenditure.
The entry of CO2 into atmosphere is interrupted by the GC6. By using this technology, biomass is burnt and the released CO2 is trapped at a rate of 5 t/hr. Instead of burying CO2 in the soil, the system removes pure CO2 from biomass and provides it to the plant vegetation. The GC6 technology employs an exclusive patented organic solvent for this conversion.
Generally, biomass is inexpensive and sustainable and used for heating greenhouses. However, farmers relied on liquid CO2 and natural gas to make the land rich in CO2 , currently, they can use the GC6 system to obtain CO2 fertilizer.
Other than saving energy and fuel expenditure, the farmers can also avail fee reduction on chemical disposal, approach green government grants to offset procurement price and create income by marketing carbon credits through programs such as Offsetters, which provides carbon management solutions.