Nov 14 2012
Energy efficiency experts from a wide range of organizations gathered at the Energy Services Coalition (ESC)– Michigan Chapter Second Annual Awards Event taking place on November 8 at the Michigan Municipal League office in Lansing.
Accepting the award were Diane Mills, CEM (President ESC Michigan Chapter and Ameresco Account Executive), Robert Ferrentino, President, Montcalm Community College and Valerie Brader, Deputy Legal Counsel (State of Michigan) and Chief Energy Policy Advisor to Governor Rick Snyder.
Co-hosted by the Michigan Energy Office and other Chapter members, the luncheon event included speaker Valerie Brader, Chief Energy Policy Office for the State of Michigan who noted, “The Governor’s guiding principles for Michigan’s energy policies are fourfold: adaptability, affordability, reliability and protection of the environment.”
“The opportunity for Michigan organizations to use energy savings to reinvest into much needed building upgrades has never been greater,” commented Diane Mills, President of the ESC Michigan Chapter. The Michigan Chapter is a public private partnership created to increase awareness of energy savings performance contracting which allows organizations to make building improvements using energy savings that are guaranteed to pay for the project allowing a cash-neutral funding mechanism.
Three panelists discussed their experiences and views regarding energy savings performance contracting. “Performance contracting provides an important tracking mechanism to guarantee objectives are being achieved. In partnership with energy experts, performance contracting provides thorough audits, benchmarks and measurement and verification to ensure measurement, tracking and reporting,” said Haris Alibasic who directs the City of Grand Rapids’ Office of Energy and Sustainability. Montcalm Community College President Robert Ferrentino added a benefit of bundling energy efficiency projects includes energy experts to document and verify what work needs to be done and then providing a financial solution requiring no out of pocket cash that included generous rebates from our friends at Consumers Energy. Washtenaw County Facilities Manager David Shirley added, “The County leaped 10 years ahead in its efforts to make much needed building and infrastructure improvements. Since the Energy Services company manages the project in totality, provided all the engineering and construction management, performance contracting allowed us to accelerate our installation and greatly improved our cost avoidance.”
Recipients of the awards included:
- Montcalm Community College (an Ameresco project)
- Washtenaw County (a Chevron project)
- Detroit Medical Center (a Siemens project)
- Calhoun County (a Honeywell project)
- War Memorial Hospital (an ESG project)
The Energy Services Coalition (ESC) is a national nonprofit organization composed of a network of experts from a wide range of organization working together at the state and local level to increase energy efficiency and building upgrades through energy savings performance contracting. Please visit
The Michigan ESC Chapter is dedicated to providing an outreach program that provides information and education on performance contracting to the target audience within the state.
The Michigan Energy Office promotes energy efficiency and renewable energy resource development to Michigan’s residents, businesses, and public institutions. The Michigan Energy Office is part of the Michigan Strategic Funds, which received administrative services from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC). The MEDC markets the state with a focus on business, talent, jobs, and helping to grow the economy.