BAR Tech WindWings by Yara Marine Technologies Take Shape, as Vessel Owners Prepare for Carbon Intensity Regulations

Innovative marine engineering consultancy, BAR Technologies, and front-running green maritime technology provider, Yara Marine Technologies, have announced that the ‘first cut’ of the steelwork that will form the first production run of BAR's pioneering WindWings has been completed. During the first half of 2023, two WindWings will be installed on MC Shipping-owned vessel the Pyxis Ocean, and four WindWings will be installed on the Berge Olympus owned by Berge Bulk. Global commodities business, Cargill, which charters the Pyxis Ocean, will be the first operator to see fuel savings and lower carbon emissions from the WindWings installation.

Image Credit: BAR Technologies

As global shipping prepares to implement the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) rules from 1 January 2023, vessel owners are increasingly turning to technologies that may be retrofitted to existing vessels to enable them to reduce their carbon emissions.

The installation of WindWings allows operators to save c1.5 tonnes of fuel per WindWing per day on average global routes. This directly facilitates a significant contribution to CO2 reduction in the shipping industry – with c4.7 tonnes of CO2 saved per WindWing per day assuming the use of heavy fuel oil for main propulsion.

At present, production is focused on the main spar elements that give the WindWings their height, alongside the associated booms, towers, and slew bearings.

Concurrently, manufacturing is also progressing with the tilt mechanism that provides vessel charterers with the versatility to stow the WindWings during dockside operations, when passing under structures, or in certain sea conditions.

The composite parts of the wings are also well advanced with the assembly and testing to follow.

Despite global challenges in the commodities supply chains, the production of WindWings continues on schedule, with installation onto the Pyxis Ocean set for the first quarter of 2023, and the Berge Olympus following shortly afterwards.

“The failure of COP27 to reach consensus on phasing down fossil fuels has reminded us of the imperative to keep innovating at an industry level in order to reach our goals for decarbonising global bulk shipping,” said John Cooper, CEO at BAR Technologies.

“However, with the CII regulations set to come into force in January 2023, vessel owners are not in a position to just do nothing – they must have a plan for emissions and manage this planning within set deadlines.”

“The positive news is that with technologies like WindWings, alongside much of the work being done into future powertrains, vessel owners have options on the table to be able to adapt quickly, reducing the risk of stranded assets.”

“Berge Bulk’s decision to equip its Newcastlemax bulker Berge Olympus with four WindWings shows that wind-assisted propulsion is one of the key technologies in their transition strategy towards Net Zero. We are very proud to support our customer in reducing the emissions from Berge Olympus by 19 tonnes of CO2 per day on an average route. This is a major result for decarbonisation of this bulk carrier,” said Thomas Koniordos, CEO at Yara Marine Technologies.

“The interest in WindWings from the industry is thrilling and we are happy with the progress we achieved in the value chain to ensure the ready availability of this technology to meet the needs of the shipping industry worldwide.”

Yara Marine is the commercial contractual partner and manages the value chain from procurement, construction, installation, service, and training for the WindWings in global locations.

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