Oct 23 2008
BLADE is a breakthrough emissions reduction technology soon to become a fixture on the tailpipe of every car and light duty truck. BLADE is an effective global warming solution that everyone can afford and conveniently use.
It is easily installed on the tailpipe of a car, and significantly reduces emissions of Greenhouse Gases (CO2, CH4, NOx), emissions of air pollution (HC, CO), and emissions of toxic particulate material (PM). If every car and light duty truck in the US had BLADE on its tailpipe, the amount of annual man-made Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions reduced would be equivalent to taking 50.1 Million passenger cars off the road in the US alone. Yes…that is an impressive amount of CO2 being removed from our atmosphere.
BLADE also helps the other green issue, money. Rising gas prices are making it harder and harder to keep money in our pockets. Test results show a significant increase in fuel economy up to 34% on vehicles with BLADES.
Depending on the vehicle and driving conditions, that translates into a $1,000 average savings in gas each year. “BLADE is a driver’s best defense against rising gas prices and the threat of global warming” – Bill O’Brien, CEO, Sabertec.