Nov 28 2009
His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco will be participating in the National Press Club Speakers Series luncheon in Washington, D.C., where he will address journalists on the global necessity of dealing with climate changes, and he will also highlight his initiatives and measures to fight global warming. This press conference will take place on 30 November, 2009 as simultaneous preparations are done by international leaders who will be participating in UN Climate Summit in December 2009.
During his stay in Washington the Prince will also deliver a speech in remembrance of the 50th anniversary of signing the Antarctic Treaty. The Antarctic Treaty Summit will take place at the Smithsonian Museum and will be attended by the Prince. This summit aims in bringing about peace through a 10% diplomatic management of the earth.
Prince Albert II of Monaco is the Chairman and Founder of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, which deals with projects that focus in developing renewable energies and those that focus on climate change. Prince Albert II has been following the footsteps of Prince Albert I, his great-great-grandfather who in the year 1913 addressed the Press Club in order to express his appreciation to the press for enabling scientists to spread their message to the public.
The National Press Club Luncheon will be followed by a question and answer session. Press club members and their guests are the participants of this event and the entire event will be covered by the press members carrying an appropriate ID. The NPC home page will show a live webcast of this event.