Pacific Blue Energy Corp. Plans a Novel Solar Energy Project

Renewable energy developer Pacific Blue Energy Corp. has outlining its plans on the recently acquired land of 154.3 acres in Flagstaff, Arizona. The company has plans for a novel solar energy project.

An erstwhile property of Ship Ahoy, the site can be used to produce around 20 MW of solar energy using a single tracking or a fixed tilt system. Typically, 1 MW can be used to power around 180 to 350 homes annually.

At a height of 5,300 ft, the location can significantly increase the solar panels’ photovoltaic efficiencies. Moreover, the site is located at a half mile distance from an already existing 69 KV electrical substation and transmission line. Ideally, a solar farm needs about 25,000 photovoltaic panels for every 5 MW.

The company awaits the approval of the County Board of Supervisors to commence work on the project.

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