Jun 17 2014
At its 105th annual conference in Seattle, the International District Energy Association (I.D.E.A.) 2014 Annual Innovation Award went to a major PEPCO Energy Services, Inc. project in Atlantic City, NJ against vigorous international competition.
PEPCO's 16,200 ton multiple-chiller district cooling plant in Atlantic City, NJ is a 24/7/365 critical cooling facility serving casinos and other large applications. It uses Kiltech's open protocol CPECS energy optimization technology to minimize energy consumption while maintaining cooling conditions across a wide variety of critical applications. Since going live in October 2013, the optimization project has shown a near 30% reduction in energy consumption – a saving of 10,000,000 kWh per year for the plant.
John Rauch, Senior Manager, Plant Operations, PEPCO Energy Services, Inc., said: "We are delighted to win this international recognition of American leadership in major energy efficiency projects. I congratulate Kiltech on its optimization technology, and thank the New Jersey SmartStart program for its support."
Josh Kahan, Kiltech's General Manager, added: "Working with PEPCO to get these outstanding energy efficiencies has involved not only our unique Kiltech optimization technology but first-class teamwork and support from PEPCO. We celebrate the realization of a major corporate vision – one that can be replicated all over America. And why not the rest of the world?"
For more information contact:
Joshua Kahan
(514) 429-1511 x116
[email protected]