Oct 27 2008
In the past two weeks, key energy advisors to the McCain and Obama presidential campaigns, respectively, shared their views on ethanol with Agritalk Radio host Mike Adams. The Renewable Fuels Association worked with AgriTalk and Mr. Adams to facilitate this discussion on the positions of each presidential campaign with respect to ethanol and renewable fuels.
“Our gratitude goes out to Heather Zichal, the policy director for energy, environment and agriculture for the Obama campaign, and Jim Moseley, former Deputy Secretary of the US Department of Agriculture and a member of the McCain-Palin farm and ranch team, for presenting each candidate’s views on the future of America’s ethanol industry,” said Bob Dinneen, President of the RFA. “Heather and Jim clearly understand the issues and were outstanding representatives for their respective candidates. We thank them both for their participation.”
Transcripts of each interview can be found below (pdf):
Heather Zichal, Sen. Barack Obama
Jim Moseley, Sen. John McCain
For more information, visit www.ethanolrfa.org.