
Search Results
Results 1551 - 1560 of 1568 for Hydrogen power
  • Article - 20 Sep 2019
    The atomic force microscope is revolutionary and has offered many benefits to scientific studies.
  • Article - 16 Oct 2019
    The goal of introducing clean technology into the consumer and production market was to create sustainable and environmentally-friendly solutions to decrease carbon footprints, protect the world from...
  • Article - 22 Oct 2018
    Plastic waste is a massive problem, there is no doubt about that, but ever since Blue Planet 2 aired on the BBC last year, attention has been firmly focused on what can be done to reduce the volume of...
  • Article - 28 Jun 2017
    In 1933, Nobel Prize winner Lev Davidovich Landau introduced the polaron theory, which describes the movement of the polaron, which describes waves of electrons and their cloud of surrounding virtual...
  • Article - 9 Mar 2017
    In British Colombia, Canada, a varied range of Cleantech products and services are being used to assist in industries associated with environmental issues.
  • Equipment
    The TriStar III Plus is a high throughput surface area and porosity analzyer.
  • Equipment
    The BTA breakthrough analyzer is a high-performance selective adsorption system.
  • Article - 4 May 2016
    Fossil fuels are not a sustainable source of energy, but the use of renewable energy is hampered by their intermittency: the sun goes down every day, and there are times when the wind doesn't blow.
  • Article - 22 Jul 2013
    In the literature, thermodynamics is conventionally defined as the science of energy and entropy. Since energy and entropy do not have the same currencies (units) and represent two distinct entities,...
  • Article - 15 Mar 2013
    The Fischer-Tropsch (FT) process, originally developed by Franz Fischer and Hans Tropsch in early 1920s, is a series of chemical reactions that involve the conversion of hydrogen and carbon monoxide...

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